1) One good method of establishing prior knowledge is by using a KWL activity for the students. This activity is good for both the students and the teachers when used correctly. It allows the students to showcase their prior knowledge and also lets them show what they learned from the current activity. It is beneficial for the teachers because it can help guide the instruction.
2) It is important to set an anchor when starting a project. Upon completion of an activity to access the students prior knowledge, then the teacher can anchor the lesson they are trying to complete. This allows the teacher to see where every one of the students is in their learning abilities. By establishing an anchor, the teacher can see what students may need more work and which students to give more guidance during the project.
3) One good way to assess students after a project is to have them create something new. When the students create something new, this allows them to summarize all of their learning from the previous project and put it into their own words. This also shows if the students are capable of using what they learned and putting it into a new context.
Another way to assess student learning is by allowing to create a podcast. By creating a podcast, students are able to highlight what they learned and did throughout their projects. The podcast also allows them to apply what they learned through the creation of the podcast. Once the podcast is finished, provide the students feedback to let them know how they performed.
4) This chapter is relatable to my own project in regards to the prior knowledge piece. In my project we are allowing students to choose their research topic from either a culture that they are from or even on they are interested in. By allowing the students to choose, the kids will be picking something that they are emotionally invested in. When students pick what they want, they are bound to have some prior knowledge or experience on what they have chosen.
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