1. Making sure you set apart time for a reflection is a key part of a project. I do know from experience that it isn't always easy. But reflection does give a better chance of moving forward. It allows your students to look at what they are doing very well and what they might not be doing so well.
2. When students reflect and elaborate on their projects it can help to inform their peers. It helps to explain what might work, what does work, and what could work. It helps students to observe their peers progress as well.
3. A way schools can build tradition and identity is through their philosophy of teaching. Some schools do take a more hands on approach, and others use PBL. It is up to the faculty and staff of the school to create the identity of the school.
4. Having a celebration at the end of the project helps the students to feel like they did a good job. It also can help the students create a stronger sense of completeness.
5. This chapter is important to our project because it is taking something that we are doing in our class and having us apply it to our project. We have to reflect to improve our project and that is something we have to teach our students.
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