- The use of digital tools is a powerful way for children to build connections outside of the classroom. By using technology they can reach a more diverse group of people than simply the other kids in their classroom. This new group of people can include children from other schools (in a different city, state, or even country), parents, peoples of their community, and also other family members. Popular digital tools to connect outside the classroom include Skype, text or instant messaging, or even a podcast.
- Another way to build an outside connection is by talking to an expert in the particular field you are researching. This strategy seems like the most obvious one because when u are unfamiliar with a topic you naturally gravitate to someone who is familiar with that topic.
- Another good way to branch outside of the classroom is by expanding the learning circle for your project. Instead of simply just the children's class, they can reach kids from other schools or even countries. This gives the children the opportunity to socialize with different people then they are used to and discuss project they are doing. This type of branching out is made possible through the use of technology.
- Student driven learning
- Authentic PBL
- Use of technology as tools
- Collaboration
4) In regards to my own project, the section about letting students lead really resonated with me. In our classroom kitchen project the children have to be the leaders. Without the students leading the project, the knowledge gained would be significantly less. Also in regards to my project specifically, without the students leading the ending class cook book would not be a possibility.
The EAST initiative makes so much sense; "promoting the benefits of using technology for a purpose."