Monday, December 1, 2014

RR #11

1) Upon completion of project based learning, there are many positive results that occur. One of the biggest results it that PBL sets up you class for future learning. At the conclusion of the project, the students will use the previous project to springboard right into the next. Another positive result of the PBL project is that the children are left with a variety of experience and knowledge that they gained throughout their journey.

2) Bringing the project home mainly involves deep reflection for the kids after the project is completed. This reflection can be done in several ways. Most of the reflection involves the children being able to discuss the positive and negatives that they went through during the project. Once they start this discussion with their peers, they can also move onto teachers and family members. This type of reflection really allows the students to remember what they learned and apply it to their future endeavors.

3) This applies to my project because this is what we hope to accomplish when our project is finished. We want our children to have a good basic knowledge of different cultures, food within those cultures, and kitchen safety.

Reading reflection 11

1. Through project based learning students will be able to participate in many different activities. Also in large group projects. Students do have homework, but PBL allows students to have real world experiences while remaining in the classroom. Students can learn to work together and how to make a difference in their community.
2. "Bringing the project home" has a lot to do with reflection. It helps students to go back and look at the work that they have done and see what they could have done better, or what they did really well.
3. When we "come to the end" of our project time here we need to reflect on what we have done. We can look at the progress we have made in our time with technology. Having the blog helps us to see how far we have come and what we could have changed.

Final Concept map

Friday, November 28, 2014

Reading Reflection #11

1. As a result of using Project Based Learning the way the traditional classroom is ran could be changed. After going through this journey with students they may enjoy integrating technology into their learning process, or collaborating with peers in and outside of the classroom. Also as an educator you can learn how your students get involved in what they are learning and use that to your advantage.
2. After working for so long on a project there are many ways to bring the project home. As a class you could share the project with an existing network for teachers, create a project library, turn the project into a archive on the web, or even publish your project.
3. This is related to our project because our project will be coming to an end soon and we need to think of ways to continue what we have learned and incorporate it into the rest of our learning.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Reading reflection 10

1. Making sure you set apart time for a reflection is a key part of a project. I do know from experience that it isn't always easy. But reflection does give a better chance of moving forward. It allows your students to look at what they are doing very well and what they might not be doing so well.
2. When students reflect and elaborate on their projects it can help to inform their peers. It helps to explain what might work, what does work, and what could work. It helps students to observe their peers progress as well.
3. A way schools can build tradition and identity is through their philosophy of teaching. Some schools do take a more hands on approach, and others use PBL. It is up to the faculty and staff of the school to create the identity of the school.
4. Having a celebration at the end of the project helps the students to feel like they did a good job. It also can help the students create a stronger sense of completeness.
5. This chapter is important to our project because it is taking something that we are doing in our class and having us apply it to our project. We have to reflect to improve our project and that is something we have to teach our students.

Friday, November 21, 2014

RR #10

1) It is very important to allow some time to reflect on a project. In schools today the learning is happening at a fast pace. In most cases students are moving right into the next project upon completion of another project.  Since teacher have so much to get into one year of teaching, reflection is key in order to celebrate students accomplishments throughout that project. Giving the students time to reflect also helps cement the learning that they just went through into their brains.

2) When students reflect it shows that they are capable of explaining what they had just learned. It allows them to not only put the learning into their own words, but also to share their experiences with  others. After the students reflect on a project it is important for them to elaborate on that project. A good project should lead right into the next project a constant cycle of learning. Elaborating is important for the student because it allows them to use what they learned and apply it to future projects.

3) It is important for schools to establish a tradition and identity when it comes to project based learning. When students are able to establish a tradition, it sets the stage for future learners. When schools can establish a "staple" project throughout the various grades, it will allow the younger learners to prepare themselves as they rise through the grade levels. Once you develop traditions within the school community members and parents will take notice. It is important to have the support of parents and community in your projects because more support can only make the projects better.

4) Celebrating a project is important for both the students and the teachers. Through celebration, students accomplishments are highlighted for everyone to see. This allows the students to take pride in their work and show it off. As a teacher celebration allows you to see the rich work your students have accomplished.

5) This chapter relates to my project through the celebration piece. In my project we are having a celebration at the end of the project. During this celebration, the students will showcase their work with their peers and families.

RR #9

1) One good method of establishing prior knowledge is by using a KWL activity for the students. This activity is good for both the students and the teachers when used correctly. It allows the students to showcase their prior knowledge and also lets them show what they learned from the current activity. It is beneficial for the teachers because it can help guide the instruction.

2) It is important to set an anchor when starting a project. Upon completion of an activity to access the students prior knowledge, then the teacher can anchor the lesson they are trying to complete. This allows the teacher to see where every one of the students is in their learning abilities. By establishing an anchor, the teacher can see what students may need more work and which students to give more guidance during the project.

3) One good way to assess students after a project is to have them create something new. When the students create something new, this allows them to summarize all of their learning from the previous project and put it into their own words. This also shows if the students are capable of using what they learned and putting it into a new context.
Another way to assess student learning is by allowing to create a podcast. By creating a podcast, students are able to highlight what they learned and did throughout their projects. The podcast also allows them to apply what they learned through the creation of the podcast. Once the podcast is finished, provide the students feedback to let them know how they performed.

4) This chapter is relatable to my own project in regards to the prior knowledge piece. In my project we are allowing students to choose their research topic from either a culture that they are from or even on they are interested in. By allowing the students to choose, the kids will be picking something that they are emotionally invested in. When students pick what they want, they are bound to have some prior knowledge or experience on what they have chosen.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Reading Reflection 9

1. There are many ways to asses the prior knowledge of your students. Its important to know where each student is coming from so that as a teacher you can see how far they have come/need to go to reach their goal. A way to do this is to establish anchors, to see where students are.
2. As mentioned previously the anchors that should be used to know where your students started at so they and you can see how far they have come. They are important because when it is established the students know how far they have come and it is easier to set up differentiated instruction.
3.  There are many ways to see what students have learned over the course of the project. One of the ways is by have them create something new which makes them summarize what they learned. This way the learning process extends. Another way would be to have students "publish" the project and show it to the class to teach them.
4.  This chapter relates to our project because we don't want our students to drop the project once it is done. Also, it is crucial to know how much information our students knew coming into the project to see if it was a success in them learning what they were supposed to learn.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Reading Reflection 8

1. To build connections and branch out beyond the classroom is important to every student in the classroom. You are able to expand on what the students already know and it can help them to apply what they know to the world around them. This can help with students to learn how to network with each other which is also a 21st century skill they can take with them into their future.

2. The EAST initiative model stands for Environmental And Spatial Technologies,  A great thing about this model is that it looks at real world problems. This is a huge benefit to students and it makes it so much more real for them. It also focus's a lot on learning through technology. It is utilized a lot more than it already is.

3. When you allow students to "lead" a project it gives them the courage to step up and be a leader. I know I was not a student leader until I came to college and I wish I would  have had these little opportunities when I was younger. It gives students confidence in themselves and their abilities.

4. This chapter applies to my group project because we all have had to step into the outside world and learn more about our topics. We have had to be the leaders in our project and in our sub sections of the project, just as if we were teachers in a classroom.

Reading Reflection 8

  1. There are many ways to build connections outside of the classroom. One of these ways is encouraging students to use digital tools to branch out and share ideas with others. This could be done through blogs or digital story telling projects. Both of these methods allows students to gain an authentic audience that is outside of their own classroom. Another way to build connections outside of the classroom is to have students talk with an expert in the field of their study. When trying to learn about a topic it is natural to contact an expert, so by having students do so they are creating that connection with someone who knows more than they do about the topic, who is out of the classroom, and may come into play later down the road. Lastly, a different way to build connections is to have students work with students outside of their classroom. By having the students talking to their peers who aren't involved in the process they will get to see different thoughts and opinions on the matter than what they normally get to see in the classroom. These peers can be from a different grade, or even a different country if using digital tools comes into play with this idea as well.
  2. The EAST (Environmental and Spatial Technologies) Initiative Model is a network of schools who are using technology to sole problems and make changes within their communities. An example of an improvement made to their community is the middle school and high school class that paired together to create a documentary on a Japanese-American internment camp which most people in the area had forgotten about. The four basic ideas for the EAST model include 
    1. Student-driven learning: Students need to be responsible for their own learning. 
    2. Authentic project based learning: Students should be engaged in solving real problems in their communities. 
    3. Technology at work: Students need access to the relevant technologies that professionals use to solve real problems. 
    4. Collaboration: When students collaborate in teams to pursue authentic projects they accomplish more than one person can do alone. 
  3. By allowing students to lead their own projects they take more ownership of their learning. When students come up with the idea themselves, it is something that interests them making the learning more enjoyable and students will want to learn more. By having students wanting to learn more, more inquiry happens. Thus making the whole project much more authentic when the students lead it. 
  4. This chapter is relivent to our project because we are encouraging our students to create those bonds outside of the classroom. We want them to talk to experts in the field, use digital tools to make connections, and talk to their peers (inside and outside of our school) about what they know about certain topics.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

RR #8

1) There are several ways to build connections and branch out beyond the classroom. These include:

  • The use of digital tools is a powerful way for children to build connections outside of the classroom. By using technology they can reach a more diverse group of people than simply the other kids in their classroom. This new group of people can include children from other schools (in a different city, state, or even country), parents, peoples of their community, and also other family members. Popular digital tools to connect outside the classroom include Skype, text or instant messaging, or even a podcast. 
  • Another way to build an outside connection is by talking to an expert in the particular field you are researching. This strategy seems like the most obvious one because when u are unfamiliar with a topic you naturally gravitate to someone who is familiar with that topic. 
  • Another good way to branch outside of the classroom is by expanding the learning circle for your project. Instead of simply just the children's class, they can reach kids from other schools or even countries. This gives the children the opportunity to socialize with different people then they are used to and discuss project they are doing. This type of branching out is made possible through the use of technology. 
2) The EAST initiative is a network of various schools that promote the benefits of using technology for a purpose. The EAST schools us technology to solve real world problems and also promote community involvement. The students use sophisticated technology applications to solve problems that are important to themselves or their community. The East model stresses four main ideas:

  1. Student driven learning 
  2. Authentic PBL 
  3. Use of technology as tools 
  4. Collaboration 
3) When it comes to using a project approach, it is is important to let the students take lead in the learning process. This shows right from the beginning of a project, because by letting them lead they develop a project that they are invested in. By letting the students lead, the project may also go on longer than originally anticipated. In most cases a longer project life is very beneficial. If a project has a longer life the students are now participating in a continuos process of learning thanks to their own leadership,
4) In regards to my own project, the section about letting students lead really resonated with me. In our classroom kitchen project the children have to be the leaders. Without the students leading the project, the knowledge gained would be significantly less. Also in regards to my project specifically, without the students leading the ending class cook book would not be a possibility.

Monday, November 3, 2014

RR # 7

1) There are three level of classroom discussion that can take place. These include teacher to teacher, student to student, and teacher to student.
Teacher to Teacher: Using your colleagues to help keep you accountable, especially in project management and design. When planning a new project, it is always helpful to have a second pair of eyes and ears to help you out.
Student to Student: It is important for students to keep in contact with each other while they are creating a project. This helps students keep their group mates accountable, and also helps one another stay organized. This process is also important because it allows students to challenge each other every day.
Teacher to Student: This holds a less significant role in a PBL classroom. In a PBL situation, students are the leaders of the discussion and questioning. Teachers become leaders from a far, and facilitate when needed.
2) When your students are actively engaged in PBL it is important to occasionally check in on them and help keep them on track. Popular questions include:
Procedural Questions: Are we in line with our goals? Are we on schedule?
Teamwork Questions: Are we working well as a team? Is everyone contributing productively?
Understanding Questions: Are we on task? Since that isn't working have you considered this?
Self-assessment: How do you feel the project is progressing?
3) There are many benefits for the students when technology is part of a project. Technology is successful when it helps a student reach the goals of a project, and doesn't become distracting. Technology is also helpful because it can seriously aid in the organization of a project. A final key to using technology is that it lets students broaden their horizons. Technology can help open doors to a student that they never knew where there.
4) There are two big 21st century skills that can make or break a project; troubleshooting and conflict management. When students and teachers are confronted with troubleshooting, effective project managers will take of the challenge. This is also a good chance for the teacher to explain to students that real world projects may come with real world challenges. Conflict management could be considered one of the deciding factors in the success of a project. Conflict management helps dictate teamwork.
5) One of the main concepts from this chapter that relates to my project is the questions for checking in portion. This would be a very important tool to use in a project like mine. Using these questions would help keep the children on task and concentrated on the end result of the project; the food celebration.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Reading Reflection 7

1.All three of the levels of discussion are very important to the learning process. During teacher to teacher you may gain new ideas and get an outside perspective on the project/class/ideas. This can lead to altering the project and making it a more beneficial time for the students. With student to student discussion students gain information from their peers. They have the same sort of experience that the teacher to teacher would give, but on the student level. It may give a student a different perspective from their peers, also helping lead students in directions that they might not have thought of themselves. For teacher to student discussions majority of the discussion should be conducted with small groups of students in order to connect with the students and see how much they are understanding. Alternatively this discussion method may be used for the whole class in order to model a new skill or introduce the next level of the project.

2. There are four different types of questions to ask when checking in with students. The first level is the basic level of making sure students are procedurally doing okay. This includes asking to make sure that students are following the timeline properly or have the correct material. This can be checked by monitoring students checklists and calendars. Next is making sure that work is being properly distributed among students. This includes asking if everyone is getting along in a team, or if the students are able to handle any conflict that may arise amongst themselves. This could be checked in by administering a poll everyday asking if everyone is doing their fair share of the work. Most importantly a safe place should be created for students with issues to voice their concerns. The next questions used for checking in are the understanding questions. These questions are designed to be probing questions after observing and listening to the groups at work. Including Have you thought about...? or pushing students to think a bit further than they already have. Lastly one must check in with self assessment in order to see what exactly the students are thinking about. These should be questions the student asks themselves to reflect on the experience, this could be done through a journal or blog.

3. When students optimize the use of technology they gain skills such as how to use the technology and be comfortable with it when it may come to presenting. Also it teaches students how to find usable up to date information, stay organized in many different ways, and reach out to others maybe even across the globe to encourage learning.

4. Twenty-first century skill that could make or break a project would be the collaboration between students and student and teacher. If the students aren't working well together the project will never be as good as it may be because every student has something special to bring to the project. Also if students and teachers don't communicate and collaborate correctly teachers won't be able to help students in the way that they need help therefore making it difficult for students to succeed.

5. This relates to our project because in order to be successful we must be able to check in with our students at every stage of the game. This is important because we'll know how to move on in the project in a way that will work best for our students and what they understand/don't understand. We also must be able to lead those discussions and know how to facilitate discussions between students in order to keep everyone on the same page. This will make it easier to set up those checking in questions because we will be able to navigate conversation between and with students.

Reflection chapter 7

1. There are many different levels of classroom discussions. I think that the most beneficial type that the book talked about is the peer-to-peer discussion. I think that it is the most beneficial because you can use it in many different ways, such as a think-pair-share, but this helps students to co-construct knowledge. There also student and teacher discussions. I think this can help to build a powerful relationship between teachers and students. The more a student likes a teacher the better it will be. This can be lead in many different ways teacher to one student, or teacher to a group of students.

2. We need to use questions to better our understanding of how our students are doing. We can't have them be too in depth to the point of where we are guiding the process. This is important especially in inquiry. You can get more in depth when asking students about the content in their project. This can help to gain a level of student understanding. You can also ask questions to measure student progress on their projects. This can help you to step back and give the students more freedom on a project because you can use questions to see how they are doing.

3. A great thing that technology can give students that books might not be able to is give students the most current and up to date data for their project. Technology can also help to ease the pressure of presenting in front of your peers. You will have more fun and interactive ways to present the material. This can help to ease the nerves of the students. As I mentioned in my blog post from last week technology can be used to help students check their spelling, such as microsoft word.

4. A huge 21st century skill that can make or break a student is literacy in technology. If students don't learn how to use technology then they will not be able to succeed in the classroom but in life as well. They need to have the skills for in the classroom to find their data and create presentations. Students also need the skills to get a job or work in their job.

5.  This chapter is important to my project because my teaching my students will need to feel comfortable to have discussions with me as a teacher. I need to make sure that I also can talk to my students about where they are in their project. Also my students should be able to talk with each other because they will be working in groups. I need to be able to ask my students questions but not give away too much of the answer. My students also need to be able to work the technology that is available and know how to read it.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Reading reflection 6

1. Technological tools can help students to see both strengths and weaknesses. They can see spelling errors, which I know is one of my own weaknesses. It can also help students with their grammar and help to make sure they are moving forward with it. Technology is also a special gift because it can allow students to use pictures.

2. I think you can get students thinking in many different ways. You can have groups brainstorm ideas or do either as a group or individually make outlines of their projects. They can summarize their ideas in paragraphs to help them clarify their thinking.

3. The elements of teaching fundamentals are showing the students what the fundamentals are, if we don't tell them or show them, we can't hold students to them. We also have to set the stage for inquiry with students, if we don't encourage it then they will not be able to think for themselves.

4. To set up a project we need to remind the students that although the technology is fun it is a tool not a toy while in the classroom. Keeping this in mind we do need to set up time for students to play around with the tools and set the ground rules for their usage.

5. There are many ways to promote inquiry, one would be brainstorming to create many ways to cross disciplines. Such as mix science and social studies or math and language arts. Get the students to start asking questions their peers can't answer so they  can use technology or a book to answer the question.

6. This chapter relates a lot to our project, mainly the concept map. This is our original brainstorm and it is ever changing and adapting to new challenges or questions.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

RR #6

   1)   Technology tools are a very effective way for students to reflect on their own strengths. These reflections are beneficial in the form self-evaluations. These can be done before or after a project, or both. These are beneficial for several reasons:
a.      Get students to think about their own capabilities
b.     Get students to direct their own learning
c.      Get students to articulate their metacognitive strategies
d.     Identify experiences that have helped them grow
e.     Blogs allows students to keep track of their endeavors
   2)   Ways to get students minds ready for a project
a.     KWL activities that tap into a students prior knowledge
b.     Get their attention with an attention getter before starting the project
c.      Invite them to discuss the topic with friends and family over a course of several days
   3)   The elements of teaching the fundamentals first
a.     Let the children know the starting point
                                               i.     The KWL project helps aid this
b.     As students brainstorm about the project, encourage them to question deeper
c.      Sharing the assessment rubric
                                               i.     This is important because it lets the children now what is expected of them throughout the project
   4)   There are several important steps when preparing the students for technology use in a project.
a.     The technology playground
                                               i.     Allow the students to learn by doing when it comes to a new technology
                                              ii.     This also allows for other students to help each other explore a new technology
b.     Tap student expertise
                                               i.     Let the students that are familiar with technology teach the others
c.      Introduce project management tools
                                               i.     Encourages students to use a project log or journal
                                              ii.     This allows students a place to reflect and helps them keep site on their goals for the project
d.     Demonstrate
                                               i.     Demonstrate the use of a new tech tool for the kids
                                              ii.     This can be done by the teacher themselves or even a media specialist
   5)   Ways to promote deep learning and inquiry
a.     You can promote deep learning for the students by asking them several questions when starting and inquiry project:
                                               i.     “Which one” questions help collect information and make decisions in their inquiry
                                              ii.     “How questions” as the students to think critically when asked a question. This involves them to understand problems, weigh options from different views, and propose a solution to a problem.
                                            iii.     “What if” questions are hypothetical questions that further a students thinking and challenge them
                                            iv.     “Should” questions ask students to make decisions on moral or practical questions, and having evidence to back up their claims
                                              v.     “Why” questions ask a student to understand cause and effect in a situation. If this happens, then what will happen in return?

   6)   This chapter relates directly to our groups project within the class. When starting our cookbook project, the technology playground could be helpful because students may have never used the Internet to research a culture before. This would allow them to be exposed to a new technology. Another thing that would be helpful within my project would be the ways to promote deeper inquiry. These questions would help keep the inquiry process on track.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Reading Reflection 6

  1. Project Based Learning can encourage students to evaluate their own strengths because they are forced to refine their own work. They also may have to work with other students, giving and receiving constructive criticism. Also by working in groups students will be asking questions about each other's thoughts and will also have to overcome obstacles.  Students can use technology to aide this process by using tools to promote reflections. They may use programs like, blogs to document thoughts and learnings throughout the process, online survey tools to identify the learning characteristics of the student. 
  2. In order for the students to get the full experience of the project you must prepare the students mentally for the project. One way to do this is before even starting the project see what the students already know about the subject matter, this could be done with a KWL chart activity. Encourage students to explore the topic and become interested in what they will be learning about. 
  3. In order to have  a successful project students must be knowledgeable about the background of the project. In order to know where to go in their project students must know what they do and do not know about the topic. Also by giving the students the rubrics for the end of the project when they start they can use this as a roadmap to get to the end of the project 
  4.  Not only must you prepare the student for the information of the topic but they also must be prepared for the technology portion of the project. In order to do this properly you must make sure to utilize all the resources available to you to teach students the basic portions that are needed to create the project. Also, allow students to teach each other within their groups, allow students to just play around with the technology to become familiar with what they are working with. Make sure to include project management tools in this introduction as well so that students may keep themselves on track from the very beginning of the project. 
  5. Ways to create inquiry and deeper learning within the classroom would be to demonstrate how to inquire further within a topic. Show students for example instead of just asking "what is the oldest money ever found" students should be asking "what is money? Why did money come about? What would we do without money?". Teach students how to create a more specific topic while still keeping it broad enough that they may think about what they are really asking and what they want to know from the research. 
  6. As for connecting this to our project I know that it is important that we must get our students excited to learn about the topic, not every aspect of the project may be the most exciting to students but we must teach students to find something exciting in every section of the project.  It is important that we find out the background of each student when it comes to cooking including their culture, safety and how to be healthy in the kitchen. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Reading Reflection 5

  1. Before starting a project with students one should consider what we have for the lesson. If the school provides the needed resources, what as a teacher we'll need to buy, if any outside help is needed for the project including extra technology. Also making sure that every portion of the project is reading for students including guidelines. 
  2. Both students and teachers need to equally utilize time management skills. Teachers need to make sure that everything is graded properly for the students on time, and students need to have their work in on time in order to get it graded. By using a project schedule or calendar for the class can help keep everyone involved on the same page and on task. 
  3. There are many different levels of technology available to students. Some are very simple which would be the ones that we would be starting with and working our way towards the more complex programs. Some of the programs that I would encourage my students to use would be ones that I am familiar with at first so I could help them then we could together as a class learn to use different applications. 
  4. Our project relates in many ways to this chapter. When starting we had to evaluate what we needed for the lesson, what resources would be used, what extra help we would need with our sections that we were working on. Time management is a huge one because we must keep everything on track, for ourselves and for our "students". Also we've been using and will be using different programs, some of which I am familiar with some my partners are and some we must learn to use together. 

RR #5

   1)   One of the big things to consider before starting a project with students is that you need to asses your inventory of resources. You must first see what your school can offer you, then figure out what you may need to borrow or purchase outside of what your school can provide. Next you must figure out what types of technology your project will include, and if an expert in the field is needed for support that you or your children might need. Using an expert or other volunteers as a resource can prove to be very valuable when doing a project.
    2)   The biggest management skill that both teachers and students need is time management. This is a key factor in any project, big or small. The use of a project calendar is big tool that both teachers and students can use in order to keep themselves organized and on track during a project.
    3)   The use of technology can really ease the stress of a project for both students and teacher. When starting a project with technology, start off small and work your way up to more advanced technology applications. One of the simplest ways to integrate technology into a project is by using a project wiki. This wiki can include directions for the project, the project calendar, and various links to help the children succeed in their projects. Eventually you can move into more complex technological applications for the students such as creation of their own websites.

   4)   This chapter relates in several ways to my own topic and project for the class. During my own project I will be engaging in the use of time management skills in order to create a successful project. Also I will be using several forms of technology in order to make my project better. Also when we started our project, our group needed to asses our resources and figure out what we might need.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Chapter reflection - Ch. 5

1. Before you start a project with your students you need to make sure you have all the materials that you will need. As a teach you also need to make sure that if there are guidelines or rubrics that those are set in stone. Something that we do not usually think about is that we should check the websites our students could be using and making sure that they are age appropriate. If there is a field trip for the topic then you will obviously want to make sure your trip is planned and safe for your students.

2.Both students and teachers need to work on time management when there is a project going on. We need to make sure as teachers we are staying on time with our grading if our project has more that one part.

3. There are many different forms of technology. They can range from something as simple as Microsoft Word and typing a paper to Prezi with all the intricate details. Most projects that I have experiences have had me do some sort of presentation. If my students will be doing that then they will use powerpoint or prezi.

4. I would have to say time management is most important for my project because my students will have different things going on around them. I think is students can stay on top of deadlines then they will be able to make a successful cook book.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Reading Reflection #4

  1. There are many potential pitfalls when designing a project including, having a long and intense project, but not having the students taking away any information. Also having unneeded technology involved students aren't taking away any new information, just reproducing information in electronic. Furthermore, using the same themes over and over without deeper meanings can have the same results, students not participating in project based learning, also having a large amount of steps can create cookie-cutter project results. 
  2. In order to have a good project they must follow the same steps; 
    • designed with the possibility of different learning paths
    • cause students to construct meaning
    • center on a driving question or are otherwise structured for inquiry 
    • capture student interest through real life or simulated experiences
    • cross multiple disciplines
    • reach beyond school
    • use primary resources
    • structured so students learn from each other
    • having students working as inquiring experts might 
    • using 21st-century skills/literacies
    • get at important learning dispositions
    • students learn by doing this
  3. Project ideas come from everywhere, they can come from other teachers, the news, contemporary issues, student's questions and interests, a collaboration of a new idea or tool or even from something going on within the classroom. 
  4. There are four main steps to designing a project 
    1. Revisiting the framework - this means listing the learning objectives for the core subjects, deciding on which 21st-century skills that will be addressed, identify which dispositions which will be taught. 
    2. Establish evidence of understanding - what will students know/be able to do once they have completed the project. How will the students be different after the project
    3. Plan the "vehicle" - what would students inquire about, do or create during the project, creating true - to - life connections. 
    4. Plan entree into the project experience - how will you get the students excited for the project and interested in the project. 
  5. This relates to our project in class because we have to follow the same steps. We must be cautious of the pitfalls of the projects in order to create a project that will be a success. We must also keep the steps in mind in order to create a project that won't fail the second that we implement it. The biggest part that connects to our project I feel like is the main steps to design the projects. We have to follow all of those steps through ourselves or our own projects have no hope of teaching students the way we hoped.