Friday, October 3, 2014

RR #3

   1)   When trying to find the “big idea” for a project, you need to know what the overall goal is that you want your students to take from the project. Also taking into consideration what does the subject mean to your students and how will it touch them on a personal level.  If your big idea doesn’t let your students tackle real world issues and keep them engaged, you may want to rethink your big idea.
   2)   21st century skills are important to integrate into the PBL that takes place in your classroom. This is crucial in making sure that your students can tackle real word situations and problems. Analyzing is a big skill needed, which requires students to clarify and examine information. Evaluation allows students to become the judge of things and defend their ideas. Creation allows students to compose ideas and formulate solutions to real life problems.
   3)   21st century literacies are an important part of instruction to your children. 21st century learning is all about being self-sufficient problem solvers in the ever-changing global landscape. This allows for students to become independent and aware while partaking in the problem solving process.
   4)   Ubiquity: This is a very important concept to implement into your teaching practices. This allows the students to think of them selves as life long learners. Their learning will take place not only in the classroom, but out in the real world as well.
Deep Learning: This is a form of higher level thinking that is important for students to be exposed to. This allows them to compile data and know what to do with it. This could include organizing, summarizing, and analyzing.
Making Things Visible and Discussable: This really allows the students to open up their minds and see the picture that they might be mentally painting. When the students can see a good visual representation of something is allows them to engage more critically.
Expressing Ourselves, Sharing Ideas, Building Community: The use of the Internet as a tool is important for students. When letting the students express themselves on things like blogs or chartrooms, we are allowing them to share their ideas and create a community of learning by engaging with other students online.
Collaboration: This is crucial in helping to make students better rounded individuals. It allows the students to bounce ideas off of each other face to face.
Research: With the help of the right sites, this can help the students reach information faster than ever before. Students are able to quickly find answers to research questions.
Project Management: This is essential for building well-rounded students. It allows students to learn time management, meet deadlines, organize, and get feedback. This is a huge part of any PBL project.
Reflection and Iteration: This allows the students to look back on what they have created. Using feedback and others ideas they may be able to improve on what they had originally came up with.
5) This chapter is very relatable to our PBL project. We will be teaching the children 21st century skills to complete their problem. All of the essential learning functions will be in play during our project as well. 

1 comment:

  1. I really liked how you started your reflection with your main sentence and how you included the overall goal for students, when discussing the big idea. Great job!
