Friday, October 3, 2014

Reading Reflection 3

  1. When finding the big idea one must remember that the big idea is the core concept and process of the project. Therefore when planning the big idea of a project a teacher must keep in mind what the main idea the student should take away from the project is. The big idea must also be something that the student can relate to and understand so that they actually take something away from the project. 
  2. As for anything going on within the classroom it is important to understand what skills the students will be using and taking away from the project. As for 21st century skills there are three main important ones, analyze, evaluate and create. These three skills can be used in many different ways. 
  3. As for having 21st century literacy in PBL one must have a project that allows the student to learn to be independent and aware. This also means that students must be able to become self sufficient within their project. 
  4. Ubiquity: this is an overarching and desirable quality of tools that support project learning. This encourages students to learn inside and outside of the classroom.
    Deep Learning: Students have the ability to use higher-order thinking when sorting and analyzing information to speed the learning process up.
    Making things visible and discussable: Using digital tools to make information visible can make it easier to actually see what is going on within the project
    Expressing Ourselves, Sharing Ideas, Building Community: Finding ways to use the internet within the classroom via blogs, social software, tagging, and virtual meetings.
    Collaboration: By having students collaborate they work with each other and may bounce ideas off of each other. This way it is encouraged for students to work together.
    Research By teaching students which websites will provide useful information compared to the websites that will just give information is crucial in any PBL.   
    Project Management:Planning and Organization Helping students manage time, work, sources, feedback from others, drafts and more during projects
    Reflection and Iteration: examining ideas from all sides and other points of view, also looking back at what a student has done from a different point of view.
  5. This chapter is very relevant to our project because as educators we must get in the habit now of using all of the 21st century literacy and skills within our classroom. 


  1. I agree! I think the 21st century literacy is very important and as teachers we need to always be thinking about it and how to best help our students. This type of literacy will help our students in the future as technology and everything around them is constantly changing. I think PBL helps this a lot and if we remember to implement this into our classrooms, our students will become better at the 21st century literacy.

  2. As teachers, project management may be our biggest responsibility to help coordinate. This often determines how frustrating a project can be or not be. Staying organized is a life skill that should be emphasized as early as possible.

  3. I liked how descriptive you were describing the essential learning functions. While using digital tools to make things visual, it also makes it easier for the students to discuss the topic that is being taught. I also like the fact that you brought up project management, as developing those skills will only help them in the world beyond the classroom.
